International conference

Organised by Cognition, Langues, Langage, Ergonomie CNRS joint research unit and the Department of English studies, University of Toulouse Jean Jaurès with the support of Laboratoire Parole et Langage, University of Aix-Marseille; CREA, University of Paris Nanterre; CLILLAC-ARP, University of Paris.

The 15th edition of the PAC international conference (Phonology of Contemporary English: usages, varieties, structure) is structured around three days of plenary sessions, thematic workshops as well as a poster session.

Guest speakers

Karen P. Corrigan, Newcastle University

Manuel Jobert, Lyon 3 University

Jose A. Mompean, University of Murcia

areas of interest

(i)            interdisciplinary concerns in the description and modelling of spoken varieties in the contemporary English-speaking world;

(ii)           more specifically, the interplay of social, psychological and cultural factors in phonological and phonetic variation and change (both at the dialectal and sociolectal levels);

(iii)         the sociolinguistic investigation of new norms within spoken English, drawing upon the central notions of indexicality, self-perception and perception of speakers’ linguistic environments and communities;

(iv)         representations of native and non-native English-speaking communities and their relationship to traditional standard varieties.

The notion of representation will be examined along three perspectives:

  1. from the speaker’s perspective, the construction of linguistic and cultural identities; speakers’ perception of a linguistic environment and the sociocultural values attached to it;
  2. from the researcher’s perspective, the examination of i) the criteria and parameters of linguistic representations as devised by communities of speakers; ii) historical and contemporary conditions of the demographic, social and cultural dynamics of linguistic communities;
  3. from the artistic and stylistic perspectives, the ways in which the representations of linguistic and social identities in audiovisual and/or literary productions feed the representations that speakers themselves have and produce of their own cultural, linguistic and social identities, and vice versa, which may notably question the issues of authenticity and stereotyping.

Relevant topics

Relevant topics for the PAC 2021 conference include, but are not limited to, the following issues (in alphabetical order):

-       comparative analyses of spoken corpora

-       computational methods for the analysis of spoken datasets

-       corpus phonology and the phonology-phonetics interface

-       the contribution of authentic data to empirical approaches in phonology

-       describing and modelling intonational variation in varieties of spoken English

-       descriptive approaches to language change and variation based on data from L1/L2 speakers

-       the development of new sociolects and dialects in time and space  

-       the dynamics of linguistic communities and representativeness of spoken data

-       evaluating methods for L2 pronunciation teaching

-       the formation and transformations of language communities

-       (human and automatic) assessment of L2 pronunciation

-       the impact of regional and social factors on rhythmic patterns in spoken English

-       the internal dynamics of spoken English between stability and variation

-       intersectional issues in empirical phonology

-       learners’ representations of English teaching norms

-       modelling the acquisition of L2 phonology

-       motivation and self-efficacy in L2 speech productions

-       multifocal levels of exploration of speech corpora for linguistic enquiry

-       phonostylistics, the representations of identities and attitudes towards such representations

-       prosodic variation and perceptive distinctiveness

-       prosodic and sociolinguistic variation: examining prosodic variables for a more comprehensive understanding of the nature of variation

-       psycholinguistic and cognitive linguistic approaches to native and learner corpora of English

-       standards/evolution of the social correlates of phonological/phonetic change

-       theoretical models for speech variation

-       varieties of spoken English in the light of speech processing technology

Submission of papers

We invite the submission of abstracts for oral talks and posters : a fully anonymised abstract in PDF format, no longer than one side of A4, with 2.5cm/1 inch margins, single-spaced, with a font size no smaller than 12, and with normal character spacing. Please state the category of presentation for which you wish to apply (oral, poster, oral or poster).

The official language of the conference is English.
Allotted time for oral talks: 20 minutes + 10 minutes for discussion.

 All abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by members of the PAC 2021 international Scientific Committee.

Contact for PAC 2021: please email to

or to and

Dates and deadlines

Conference: September 1st / September 3rd 2021 

New deadline for submission: March 24th 2021 April 30th 2021

Results of refereeing of abstracts: June 21st 2021 

Scientific Committee

Nicolas Ballier, U. Paris Diderot-Paris 7, France 
Léa Boichard, U. Savoie Mont Blanc, France
Caroline Bouzon, U. de Lille, France
Laurie Buscail, U. de Perpignan Via Domitia, France
Felicity Cox, Macquarie U., Australie
Jacques Durand, U. Toulouse 2, France
Julien Eychenne, Hankuk U. of Foreign studies, South Korea
Emmanuel Ferragne, U. Paris Diderot-Paris 7, France
Jean-Michel Fournier, U. de Tours, France
Olivier Glain, U. Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne, France
Ulrike Gut, U. of Münster, Germany
Bente Hannisdal, U. of Bergen, Norway
Sophie Herment, U. Aix-Marseille 1, France
Patrick Honeybone, U. of Edinburgh, Scotland
David Hornsby, U. of Kent, England
Nathalie Huet, U. Toulouse 2, France
Takeki Kamiyama, U. Paris 8 Vincennes St Denis, France
Véronique Lacoste, U. Lumière Lyon 2, France
Paolo Mairano, U. de Lille, France
Sylvain Navarro, U. Paris Diderot-Paris 7, France
Monika Pukli, U. de Strasbourg, France
Patrycja Strycharczuk, U. of Manchester, England
Jane Stuart-Smith, U. of Glasgow, Scotland
Anne Talbot, U. Paris Diderot-Paris 7, France
Jean-Michel Tarrier, U. Toulouse 2, France
Jeff Tennant, Western University, Canada
Henry Tyne, U. de Perpignan Via Domitia, France
Cécile Viollain, U. Paris Nanterre, France
Eiji Yamada, Fukoa University, Japan
Zhang Yi, Northwestern Polytechnical U., China

Background information on the PAC programme

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